
Showing posts from September, 2017

Opening sequences and M-E-S

baby driver vid 1.Positioning The positioning of the 3 red cars is excellent as one of the cars is the one with "good guys". It manages to put us in the polices' point of view and represents the confusion that they are probably feeling while we are feeling happy for our main characters. There is not much verisimilitude in this scene as the likelihood of this occurring is very slim also there would probably be pursuers on the ground able to confirm which car is which.  2.Lighting The lighting is great in this scene as the darkness they are heading into could be a metaphor to the mystery ahead especially for the police and for what could be to come in the rest of the movie, however i wouldn't know because I haven't watched the whole movie. The scene does create a sub genre of crime however i think in this we are supposed to like the "bad guys" as well as showing the "baby" driver's initiative. 3.Acting This still shows one of


This is a master shot from a fence, it doesn't focus on anything in particular and i would say is effective at making the viewer question why the shot is at a building site. Could there be a murder? or is it just an opening scene of a show like bob the builder. This shot could be used as an opening shot to a new scene like if we are going back to see what "Gary" builder is going to do next.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This image here is a tilted angle of troubled teen being accused of a crime he didn't commit. It is effective due to the clutter on screen representing the chaos going on which could be an indication of why "John" here was wrongfully accu

Genre and cinematography

This picture is a low angle of a tree the genre could be a comedy about a squirrel. The genre is not really reflected as you cannot gather very much from an image of a tree. It is the point of view of the creature running away from a predator, i believe the angle went well as it really captured how large everything is from a squirrels point of view. I think the shot would be improved if there was some motion blur as this would represent the speed of the squirrels' escape and possibly add tension.  This image here is of a woman "running" in an action genre.The genre is reflected vaguely as the image could belong to a variety of genres. I think the image could be improved through the use of a wider shot as it would allow the viewer to see the "peril" she is in as the scenery around her would be more obvious. However I do think the angle of the close up is unique as most "shoe shots" are on flat ground This still here is an extreme close up of

Characters in Long Form Dramas

Stranger things: How Dustin is represented through the types cinematography… This scene here focuses primarily on Dustin’s face, emphasizing his emotions with his smile using a close up shot, you can see that he wants to please Nancy with the last slice. This represents Dustin as a caring character which is also shown later in the series. During this scene, before the abduction of Will, the shot is quite wide and the surroundings are dark. This is after Dustin is left by Will representing Dustin’s feeling of abandonment as he says “oh come on!” as he runs out of stamina.  In this scene Dustin and the bully are in a close us while the background remains out of focus which prompts us to look at their faces. From this, you can clearly tell that Dustin is distressed showing that he isn’t a “tough guy” but also shows his big heart again as he pleads for Mike not to jump even though he is convinced his teeth will be cut out.