Opening sequences and M-E-S

baby driver vid


The positioning of the 3 red cars is excellent as one of the cars is the one with "good guys". It manages to put us in the polices' point of view and represents the confusion that they are probably feeling while we are feeling happy for our main characters. There is not much verisimilitude in this scene as the likelihood of this occurring is very slim also there would probably be pursuers on the ground able to confirm which car is which. 

The lighting is great in this scene as the darkness they are heading into could be a metaphor to the mystery ahead especially for the police and for what could be to come in the rest of the movie, however i wouldn't know because I haven't watched the whole movie. The scene does create a sub genre of crime however i think in this we are supposed to like the "bad guys" as well as showing the "baby" driver's initiative.


This still shows one of the "tough" guys in quite a concerned state as his body language and facial expression suggests while the "baby" driver is quite calm and focused. This scene creates a sub genre of comedy as the roles of the "tough" guy and the "baby" driver have switched, now the baby driver is in his element whereas the bank was the tough guy's element.


The costume says a lot about characters and the fact that the baby driver has a more casual look than the rest of the characters suggests that he is the "odd" one or at least unique compared to the rest. While everyone is preparing the baby driver is listening to music which adds to the novelty of the situation and could be the reason for his nickname as he doesn't take a whole lot seriously.
5.Hair and make up

This still represents there is a bit of an age difference between the baby driver and his accomplices or at least one of them especially when we look at their facial hair, which adds to the theme of the main character being a "baby" driver. However this tells us that the baby driver is really good at what he does or he would be driving for successful bank robbers.


Here in this still the baby driver is very calm for someone being chased by the police and his colleagues facial expressions are quite surprised alluding to the fact that the baby driver is an excellent driver if the scenes before didn't already show that. This scene also shows that the baby driver's friends or accomplices appreciate him but may not show it often as you only see the 2 in the back smile like this very briefly this also creates a little sub genre of romance that                                                                                   could go on between the baby driver and                                                                                 the woman.
The setting in the baby drivers opening scene is in a city, beginning with a bank robbery the sub genre of crime and comedy are represented quickly. The criminals in this seem like they do not want to cause too much harm as it is not apparent that they have killed anyone so far which is good as it shows they may have a good morale compass at least for criminals.


The iPod prop is very useful in constructing a sub genre of comedy as it is the first sign that the getaway driver isn't the most serious guy if he sings along to music while aiding in a criminal operation. 

9.Positioning again!

The positioning of this police officer's car is excellent, it has an element of comedy as all the driver needed to do was look in the mirror and the director also puts us in a moment of suspense when we first see the police cruiser. There is some verisimilitude in this scene as there have been lots of incidents that have occurred when the police were right next to the criminal.

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