Genre and cinematography

This picture is a low angle of a tree the genre could be a comedy about a squirrel. The genre is not really reflected as you cannot gather very much from an image of a tree. It is the point of view of the creature running away from a predator, i believe the angle went well as it really captured how large everything is from a squirrels point of view. I think the shot would be improved if there was some motion blur as this would represent the speed of the squirrels' escape and possibly add tension. 
This image here is of a woman "running" in an action genre.The genre is reflected vaguely as the image could belong to a variety of genres. I think the image could be improved through the use of a wider shot as it would allow the viewer to see the "peril" she is in as the scenery around her would be more obvious. However I do think the angle of the close up is unique as most "shoe shots" are on flat ground

This still here is an extreme close up of a woman's face in a fantasy, the genre is reflected poorly as there aren't many features of a fantasy such as abstract lighting. however the expression in the woman exquisite as it is an empty one so it represents the sadness of a character that would be sad
This is an image of of male being assaulted it is a mid two shot and the characters are in the foreground. This is supposed to represent a drama with the sub genre of comedy. The shot was good because it catches the moments right before contact and clearly represents the face of the victim. The shot could be improved with better scenery as it is unclear where the characters are situated.
This represents the genre of a horror, the dark shadowy figure is moving out of the darkness into the light like it is coming outside entering the realm of the victims. What went well with this image was that it captures the figure in a contorted position making it look unnatural. The image could be improved if the darkness it came from was more obvious.
This image represents the spy genre however it could be mixed up with a drama as the male hiding behind the wall could be perceived as a stalker. I believe the focus is what went well with the shot as it focuses on the person hiding more than the people he is watching so it shows that the character has significance in the shot. It could be improved however if the person had their hood up as it would be more mysterious which was what was intended. 

This is an image of the sky it doesn't represent any genre but could be used for an opening scene. 


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