
Showing posts from October, 2017

LFD and Audience Participation

Audience Involvement in Stranger Things and T he Killing Stranger Things: Stranger Things can be consumed on Netflix only (legally) and because their target audience is the younger demographic they usually respond on social media and connect that way. Additionally, on Netflix they have a review system so the audience can respond through reviews and ratings on Netflix which allows them to quickly see how their show is doing lets them make quick changes if needed. Websites such as Facebook, Tumblr and Wikipedia all contain content related to Stranger things such as fan pages, showing they have a large fandom which connects via social media and other sites like YouTube where theories and fan art are shared.  People also make merchandise for the show which shows people are really interested in the show and want to let people know they watch it. On sites such as YouTube fans of the show connect by sharing their ideas in a video format so others can communicate their thought

Opening Sequences and Narrative Theories

Casino Royale Casino Royale seems to follow the narrative theory of equilibrium. I think this because the start of every Bond film is usually set out in this format and this one is no exception usually bond uncovers the big problem shortly after the start but at the beginning of a Bond movie everything is usually under his control. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 In this movie I think it follows the equilibrium theory too as everything is all okay in the movie up until rocket misbehaves big time but I shall not spoil it, I also think everything is okay because there isn't much happening that phases the guardians at the beginning and like the Bond film it all goes wrong right after the opening sequence so it a short lived equilibrium. 

LFD and Constructing Audiences

How these trailers helped to construct an audience: Stranger Things This trailer appeals to the younger demographic as the trailer makes sure at least 3 times that people know its made and shown on Netflix. Another thing to note is that the show looks very 80s themed which could indicate that fans of the 80s may be part of the target audience, moreover the show is quite mysterious and seems sci fi as a main theme of the trailer is a child disappearing because of a light switching off or on.  The killing (Forbrydelsen)  The killing has a much more serious tone to it and is clearly about murder and usually adults like murder so this would indicate that the target audience is adults that like crime shows. There also seems to be quite a bit of gore in the trailer and the only dialogue we hear in the whole trailer is a man shouting so the trailer definitely constructs a creepy and mysterious atmosphere. Also the trailer doesn't give a whole lot away which means it probably fol

Editing Techniques and Thoughts on them...

Editing techniques: Cutaway: I think the cutaway is a good editing technique, i like it as it makes tasks seem more intense or interesting. I think this would be useful in all genres as it is a very versatile technique that can be inserted in most scenes where a character is doing something. I could use this technique in some of my work as it is quite interesting and makes things look more professional.   Cross Cutting: I like the cross cutting editing technique because you are able to see the expressions on peoples face during a conversation which is interesting as we get to see what all the characters are feeling which is more entertaining to watch. I think this is also a technique that could be implemented into most genres unless its one where cellular devices do not exist. Jump Cuts: I also like jump cutting too, it gives us a sense of how much time has passed if done correctly for example a change of cloches or a tied look without needing to watch everything happen. I think

LFD and Editing

Editing techniques in... The Killing (Forbrydelsen): 0:08: eye-line match 0:42 cross cutting 2:05 jump cut Stranger Things: 0:02 eye-line match 0:35 low angle 0:39 point of view 1:08 another low angle 2:12 invisible cut

Opening Sequences and Editing

I think this opening sequence follows the equilibrium theory, everything up until the end of the sequence is a build up to an "action" scene except we don't realise that until Bond pulls out his gun. Also the Tracking shot during this whole sequence gives us all a sense of how far Bond and his lady friend are walking. Right at the start text appears saying "the dead are alive" which isn't a very normal thing to say because the statement contradicts itself which creates a little mystery too. Editing techniques used: At 2:57 an editing technique used is an eye-line match as the camera turns to see Mr. Bond walk out onto the balcony, this creates the James Bond genre we all know as we see him leave with a weapon to presumably kill a bad guy. The technique also pushes the narrative along because it shows us that 007 is on a mission and not just messing around in Mexico City. Right at the end there is some match on action used however the the shot doesn

LFD and M-E-S

How each main character is introduced in terms of Mise-En-Scene in... Stranger Things: The positioning of these boys shows that they are all friends and that their location, the basement, represents them as "nerds" along with the way they act which is slightly abnormal speaking of the demogorgon as if it is real. The props they have are dungeon and dragon figures which support the nerd conspiracy. The lighting or lack there of creates an eerie atmosphere which aligns with the scene before as the demogorgon is used as a metaphor for the beast.  The hair of these boys are long and do not resemble hair that was seen as "cool", there is also no makeup present on these guys which shows they aren't hugely abnormal.

How the BBC decides on the type of tv drama they show

How the BBC decides on the type of tv drama they show on each of their channels... BBC ONE BBC ONE has a large diverse audience and targets these by showing a wide variety of dramas ranging from Eastenders to Casualty. They would however like to broaden their horizons and reach the younger demographic too and are willing to show "edgier" shows such as happy valley. BBC hopes to challenge their viewers by trying to show other types of shows that aren't like the standard Eastenders.  BBC TWO BBC TWO is focused on a specific type of person, I would say the older demographic and they assume that the people are intellectuals. BBC also as has an angled perspective on the world.  BBC THREE BBC THREE is on the internet so targets the younger demographic. However you can watch BBC ONE and TWO on the internet. There are quite a lot of comedies on BBC THREE too. NETFLIX Global, apart from china they began streaming in the USA in 2007 and 2010 internationally

Consumption and Response

Stranger Things The only site people can use to "consume" stranger things are only legally Netflix however there are other websites that you can use to watch stranger things that aren't as legal. However you can find Stranger things related stuff on social media like youtube and twitter also Netflix made a stranger things game which looks quite enjoyable found on the app store and google play. The audience of stranger things usually respond with their opinions via social media and blogs. On websites like IMDb people can post their opinions as well as critics and rate the show, to add to this they can watch trailers and are recommended other shows to watch based on what other viewers of the show "liked". Ways that the fans get involved are through fan art, fan theories and even memes. This is excellent as it allows people from across the world to get together because they like a certain show. The Killing  The killing has been out for quite a while no

Opening Sequences and Representations

Character Representations in The Flash Costumes: The costumes of these characters are quite out of the ordinary and as one of them has electricity arcs beaming around him it is safe to say that they probably have superpowers, which they do. Also the lack of normal eyeballs and dark colors on the bloke on the right suggest he is evil.   The husk in front of these two guys shows that they are law enforcement which the glasses being held by the man on the right emphasise along with the note book. Also the clothing that these guys are wearing is quite formal which makes them look as if they work for the police. This image is of the reverse flash, the red glow in his eyes are quite a good indication that the man is evil and also his costume doesn't seem to be of a "bad guy" colour however his background and the way that his appearance is hidden suggests that he is evil.  Hair/Make Up: The hair on this man shows that he is not an "ordinary guy"

Target Audiences of shows...

Psychographics... Stranger things:  Age: Teenagers 15+ maybe early 20s Gender: Male, guys are usually more interested in sci-fi shows Ethnicity: I do not think it is aimed at a specific ethnicity because there isn't anything related to ethnicity in this apart from characters being of different ethnicities. Demographics: This is most likely aimed at students/young adults as it is only on Netflix and most young people use Netflix. Psychographics:   The type of people this is likely aimed at is "explorers" as in stranger things it is more about what people experience and each characters development as well as some mystery with quite creepy unknown themes and ideas added to it. To add to this each character is widely different but as a team the kids work in harmony ,sometimes not, which adds to the quality of the show and makes it more entertaining. The Killing: Age: 25+ Gender:  Male, guys are usually more interested in crime/investigative dramas

Stranger Things and The killing Trailers: how they construct an audience...

Stranger things: The target audience for stranger things is most likely boys, this is because it is a sort of sci fi mystery and because girls don't usually like sci-fi as much as guys do. There is also quite an eerie atmosphere created by the trailer which adds tension while the mother is looking for her child we catch a glimpse of what happened to will (the child), this could indicate that the target audience is of a younger demographic as the "monster" part is reminiscent of a horror. However the show is open to anyone as you can watch it on demand with Netflix which is convenient and also shows that the programme probably isn't just aimed at the younger generation of people. The Killing: This show is likely aimed at older people or more "intelligent" people as there are a few questions that i cannot read however they prompt the viewer to question what is going on unlike shows such as love island which focus more on what you are seeing rather th

Attractive lighting angles

Under L ighting This style of lighting is used to add a sinister effect as the lighting is unnatural it shows features as well as hiding others which doesn't look normal, useful for evil characters. 45 Degree Lighting This angle can be used to highlight a specific part of the face while hiding other features. Front Lighting This is used to show that the person is a good guy or that they have nothing to hide, it looks pure so is good for when you are trying to show that the person is not evil. Side Light Is used to highlight one feature and hide another it adds a sense of mystery as if the character may have something to hide or the area is just lit in that sort of way and you as the viewer are looking too deeply into it. Beauty light Beauty lighting is used to highlight facial features making someone look beautiful. Back light The backlight is used to make a character look more mysterious, to hide their face which prompts the viewer to questi

My Own Movie Title Screens

1. Running with the Nazis...