Stranger Things and The killing Trailers: how they construct an audience...

Stranger things:

The target audience for stranger things is most likely boys, this is because it is a sort of sci fi mystery and because girls don't usually like sci-fi as much as guys do. There is also quite an eerie atmosphere created by the trailer which adds tension while the mother is looking for her child we catch a glimpse of what happened to will (the child), this could indicate that the target audience is of a younger demographic as the "monster" part is reminiscent of a horror. However the show is open to anyone as you can watch it on demand with Netflix which is convenient and also shows that the programme probably isn't just aimed at the younger generation of people.

The Killing:

This show is likely aimed at older people or more "intelligent" people as there are a few questions that i cannot read however they prompt the viewer to question what is going on unlike shows such as love island which focus more on what you are seeing rather than the bigger picture also the first scene was quite deceiving and mysterious. To add to this the scenes in the trailer are silent and focus on emotions, which is very serious so probably isn't aimed at a younger audience as there is quite a bit of gore that is hinted at during the trailer. Though the new "hip" generation are okay with gore this gore is represented in a much more depressing manner and leads to a lot of questions and prompts speculation which you probably wouldn't get from the typical love island viewer.


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